A free workshop for career professionals, creators, and entrepreneuers

Will having a personal website help you in your career?

Have you ever tried to create a personal website only to feel overwhelmed or disappointed with the results? You're not alone. This post is targeted for professionals, creators, and entrepreneurs like you, who need to build a compelling personal website but have faced hurdles in the past.

Our workshop aims not only to guide you through the creation of a gripping website, but to truly champion your online presence and amplify your career prospects.

  • Why landing pages instead of

  • Offers over

  • Story Spokes prompts to help you create personalized snippets to include in your site

  • Content placeholders for each page of your personal site

  • Tools and resources to help you determine what to use for your personal site

  • And a free weekly newsletter with design tips for creators and non-designers

What to Expect from the Workshop

  • Understanding the Elements of an Effective Website: Learn the best practices and integral components that make a website not just functional, but highly effective.

  • Real-time Website Breakdowns: We understand that the best way to learn is through action. Participants can volunteer their own websites for a live teardown, where we analyze and provide constructive criticism on how to improve your site.

  • Crafting a Compelling Offer: It's not about the tools you use to build your website, but the message you present. Whether you're advancing your career, selling a product or service, or building an audience over time, we'll guide you on how to create a compelling offer that resonates with your audience.

Who Should Attend?

Entrepreneurs, professionals, and creators who are trying to carve out their space online. If you need to build a website or improve your existing one, this workshop will give you the necessary insights and tools to take your personal brand to the next level.

Or, sign up to get a live breakdown of your own personal website.

  • Why landing pages instead of

  • Offers over

  • Story Spokes prompts to help you create personalized snippets to include in your site

  • Content placeholders for each page of your personal site

  • Tools and resources to help you determine what to use for your personal site

  • And a free weekly newsletter with design tips for creators and non-designers